Unfold your creativity with KAMI 2

A calm, compelling puzzler

State of Play Games

Rating: 4.8
Reviews: 11.5K

Rating: 4.6
Reviews: 43.5K


Skillprint’s Ratings








Special Palettes


Multiple levels
Unlimited tries
Unlimited time

Description of the Game

KAMI 2 is an origami puzzle combining logic and problem-solving. Can you flood each puzzle with a single color in as few moves as possible? With over 100 increasingly complex puzzles, KAMI 2 will stretch your creative planning and visualization skills.

Want even more? Beat the global Daily Challenge, earn a winning streak and compare your scores to other players. Test yourself on thousands of user-generated puzzles, uploaded daily. Get creative and take on the world. Craft your own KAMI designs using the Puzzle Builder. Design and share your creations, send them to your friends and challenge the world to beat your score.

Why this works

Do you enjoy the satisfaction of the “flood-fill” tool in a paint program? If so, you’ll love unfolding the colors to fill your screen as you play KAMI 2. The stages of the game are arranged into groups of six puzzles that teach you to play as you proceed. On each level, you will need to focus to visualize your possible moves, and creatively find the perfect order. Players reported feeling more focused and creative after playing KAMI 2, the calming sounds of unfolding paper and the unique music notably add to this experience. 

Why Visualization matters

Visualization is the process of using your imagination to see things that are not physically present. It can help you see different parts come together to create a whole, so visualization helps with planning steps to achieve an outcome. KAMI 2 requires you to mentally manipulate and envision color transformations. The game makes you visualize the consequences of each move. By mentally simulating different sequences of moves, you will bring your mind’s eye into focus.

Recommended for…

Almost everyone enjoys KAMI 2 – especially since it’s a free game with very few ads. Conscientious people tend to find KAMI 2 more engaging. Those who are more emotional tend to find the game more challenging. Introverts tend to enjoy the game more than extroverts, but extroverts tend to feel more collaborative post play. 


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